Canadian Honky-Tonk Bar Association

Rejoice, you have a voice, if you’re concerned about the destination, of this great nation,
We represent the hardhat, gunrack, achin’-back, over taxed, flag-wavin’, fun-lovin’ crowd!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Support for Separation Falling

This article mentions a new poll showing that support for independence has fallen from 43% before the election to 34% after the election. This is huge. Sure, it may just be in celebration that the Liberals are gone and Harper needs to make sure he makes real change with the fiscal imbalance, respecting provincial jurisdiction, etc. What this shows is that people were wanting separation based on the incompetent Liberal government and not until they left could they feel comfortable in this country. I'm hoping the support for separation continues to fall and gets below 30% once the Conservatives start to implement their policies.


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