Canadian Honky-Tonk Bar Association

Rejoice, you have a voice, if you’re concerned about the destination, of this great nation,
We represent the hardhat, gunrack, achin’-back, over taxed, flag-wavin’, fun-lovin’ crowd!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

In True Liberal Form

The education announcement made today from the Liberals is barely a promise of anything. Sure they promise wads of cash to students, but this was already promised in their last budget! Only a small fraction of this was new money, the rest is just an implementation plan for the money they already promised. I don't understand how the Liberals can think they can announce the same thing over and over and try to fool us.

At least on CH News tonight I got to have my say. As they reported the announcement they said something like, "However university students are skeptical of the plan," and there were 4 quotes from students. My quote was on what my priority would be and I said, "we need across the board tax cuts."


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