Canadian Honky-Tonk Bar Association

Rejoice, you have a voice, if you’re concerned about the destination, of this great nation,
We represent the hardhat, gunrack, achin’-back, over taxed, flag-wavin’, fun-lovin’ crowd!

Friday, December 31, 2004

Cows Deserve Freedom Too...

... or at least freedom for their remains to be consumed on either side of the border! The cattle ban imposed by the US is in the process of being lifted now, but why did it have to be this way? The U.S. Government did not need to ban the flow of beef to protect its citizens. No U.S. meatpacker would be willing to accept imports from Canada if they thought it was a serious risk to their customers.

Question: But they are evil corporations, don't they only care about profit?
Answer: Exactly! If Cargill sold tainted beef, customers will be much less likely to purchase their products. How do you think the share price for Cargill would fare after such a discovery?

Don't believe me? Well from this article, The American Meat Institute filed a lawsuit to take the restrictions off even further. This ban is not helping anyone.

Which leads to another question of why this ban was implemented in the first place. You can blame George W. Bush all you want (and I will too), but the truth is that Canada was hurt by this far more than our southern neighbors. The Liberal Party should be shouldering much of the blame. The Bush/U.S. bashing (which are not separte things since Americans elected Bush) has been happening before Carolyn Parish stepped on the Bush doll. It isn't hard to believe that the Bush Administration would be less inclined to come to a mutually beneficial agreement with Canada, despite Ralph Klein's best efforts, when the beef ban hurts Canadians exponentially more than Americans. Canadians, especially the ones leading our country, need to respect our best friend and biggest trading partner to avoid these future problems


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