Canadian Honky-Tonk Bar Association

Rejoice, you have a voice, if you’re concerned about the destination, of this great nation,
We represent the hardhat, gunrack, achin’-back, over taxed, flag-wavin’, fun-lovin’ crowd!

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Sponsorship Scandal Backlash

Based on this article, Canadians are losing trust in the Liberal Party. This should come of no shock considering they stole millions of dollars from us, the taxpayers. 46% of Canadians now say the Grits are doing a poor job, which leads to my question... what are 54% of Canadians thinking? Unless 54% of this country are Bombardier stakeholders, thers is no logical answer for this! In that 54% that did not say the Liberals were doing a poor job, 25% went as far to say they "high trust". High trust? These must be very trusting people. 1 in 4 Canadians trust the party that admits to stealing. Words cannot express how much I was floored seeing this. Can a quarter of our population really be this blind? These people are the reason you can have professional scam artists. Imagine someone stole your money, admitting they took your money, and then asking for more of your money for a new business plan. 25% of Canadians would place "high trust" in this individual, and apparently be willing to give more of their money.

I am not saying it is impossible to vote for the Liberals, you may feel you trust the other choices less. I do not share this view, but at least I can respect it. Voting is not the same as trust however. If the Liberals are the best option in your eyes, vote for them, but do not extend your trust to them until they can do something to deserve it! Come on Canadians, get pissed off and demand better!


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